IKEA 的居家生活部落格

Thursday, August 10, 2006

It takes more than two to tango

Not long after I got into the Tango world I realized there are lots of ego and strong opinions in this community. People have strong believes when it comes to Tango - the music, the dance style, the culture, the teachers, the floor craft, and sometimes even the shoes is the topic for debate. I found this in New York, in Taipei and in BsAs.

Just like all other art forms. Tango is very subjective. People have different experience and background. There are not that many black-and-white or right-and-wrong answers to Tango questions.

After all, Tango is about how you feel, your connection with your partner, your connection to the music, and your relationship to the other people on the dance floor. It is very personal. Personal enough that one might get offended when you critize his or her dancing style or music or believes.

I guess that's part of the Tango experience. Learn to be part of the community but not losing oneself. Be different but be respectful. It takes two to tango but it takes more to build up a nice Tango community.

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