IKEA 的居家生活部落格

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Milonga, milonga, milonga...

One reason why Tango people love going to BsAs is for the countless Milongas (the other reason is for the shoes, and for the CDs, and for the ice cream, and for the lomo...). After all it is THE Capital of Tango, there are at least 15 to 30 milongas that one can choose from each day. If I can clone myself I probably will go to all of them... :)

Sadly there is only one me, so here is the list of milongas that we went:

Club Espanol
Club Gricel
El Beso
Porteno y Bailarin
Villa Malcom
La Marshalls (gay milonga)
Nino Bien
La Viruta
La Confiteria Ideal
La Glorietta (outdoor)
La Nacional (we only stopped by)

I can't possibly tell you which one is my favorite. I love all of them. There are too many memorable moments at these milongas.

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